Fine-tune your service delivery

We would hazard a guess that Elton would never play a global concert on an untuned piano or that Prince would have played the solo in Purple Rain without tuning his guitar first.

Tuning is an important quality check in the music industry to ensure high performance and final product. Whether it’s a piano or guitar, violin or harp, instruments require tuning to find the right pitch and maintain quality.  A musician wouldn’t think twice about tuning their instrument if it sounded out of tune; it would not only impact their music quality but the final product for their listener.

Think of Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing as your tuning fork.

The quality assurance process allows you to fine-tune your service delivery, helping you find the right pitch for your organisation and its outcomes.  But like an out of tune piano, your Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisation requires regular tuning to continuously improve and maintain standards.  It is the same principle when an organisation achieves the Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing accreditation; the opportunity for quality improvement doesn’t stop after that gig has finished.  Each accredited Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing organisation receives a Quality Improvement Plan from an external assessor.  Your organisational ‘tuning’ manual so to speak. 

After two years, Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing accredited organisations go through a reassessment to demonstrate their continual commitment to high quality service delivery; the quality assurance version of an encore!

Both quality assurance and musical tuning ensure high quality service delivery and output for the benefit of the end-user.  We’d say that’s definitely worthy of a standing ovation!     


Local Authorities

We are currently working with a number of Local Authorities to support the development of the voluntary and community sector.  We are achieving this by helping to demonstrate the quality and outcomes for their services users and supporting organisations to be ready to deliver public sector contracts, such as social prescribing. We could also support Local Authorities to improve quality within your care home settings by offering a bespoke support package.

Contact us to find out more

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Quality For Health was developed in partnership with Calderdale CCG. We are working with a number of CCGs who are interested in quality assurance for voluntary and community organisations delivering health services, enabling them to demonstrate the difference their organisations make to services users and patients by delivering high quality services. CCGs may be interested to support their local voluntary and community sector and be more confident around commissioning and referrals through working with Quality For Health. Quality For Health can also support priorities laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan, such as social prescribing and supporting organisations delivering prevention, mental health and support for carers. 

Quality For Health can also be used as a useful tool in bringing partners together to develop Primary Care Networks.

Contact us to find out more