Kintsugi – How quality assurance offers the resources to fill in the gaps

Translating to “golden joinery”, Kintsugi (金継ぎ) is the Japanese technique of repairing broken pottery with golden lacquer.

As a philosophy, Kintsugi treats repair as part of something’s history, rather than as something that needs to be forgotten; it restrengthens the object.  Quality assurance could also be viewed as a similar process, identifying gaps or areas of improvement that can be strengthened.

When undertaking a quality assurance framework like Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing, it may highlight areas of your service delivery that require review or implementation.  Finding areas for improvement does not diminish the hard work and impact you have on your service users and communities by any means.  It offers an opportunity for organisational Kintsugi.

Like Kintsugi, working towards a quality assurance accreditation should offer you a ‘golden lacquer’ solution for positive changes in your organisation.  It is not about hiding the gaps in your service delivery but identifying them, implementing new processes and celebrating how far you have come on your Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing journey; embrace your organisational Kintsugi with pride!


Local Authorities

We are currently working with a number of Local Authorities to support the development of the voluntary and community sector.  We are achieving this by helping to demonstrate the quality and outcomes for their services users and supporting organisations to be ready to deliver public sector contracts, such as social prescribing. We could also support Local Authorities to improve quality within your care home settings by offering a bespoke support package.

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Clinical Commissioning Groups

Quality For Health was developed in partnership with Calderdale CCG. We are working with a number of CCGs who are interested in quality assurance for voluntary and community organisations delivering health services, enabling them to demonstrate the difference their organisations make to services users and patients by delivering high quality services. CCGs may be interested to support their local voluntary and community sector and be more confident around commissioning and referrals through working with Quality For Health. Quality For Health can also support priorities laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan, such as social prescribing and supporting organisations delivering prevention, mental health and support for carers. 

Quality For Health can also be used as a useful tool in bringing partners together to develop Primary Care Networks.

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